The web analytics you always wanted.

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Get the full story

Explore user journeys from start to finish with session timelines and custom events.

Visitor flow

See where you lose customers

Create funnels based on page views and custom events to filter out the noise. Understand the flow of your traffic.


Create triggers for events

Configure triggers and react to events that happen on your website.

... and much more 🪄

Intrigued? Add Tiny Metrics to your website today. No credit card required.

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10,000 events per month

Unlimited websites

Unlimited data retention

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100,000 events per month

Unlimited websites

Unlimited data retention

Up to 5 team members

Get started

Welcome to Tiny Metrics 👋

Tiny Metrics is designed to house all your projects and strike a meaningful balance between utility, user experience, affordability, and privacy.

Tiny Metrics only requires a lightweight JavaScript snippet begin working. It tracks sensible defaults like page visits out of the box but also allows for measurements of anything from button clicks to user registrations. Simple dashboards with relevant visuals are generated for you automatically. Basically, you can hit the ground running 🏃💨.


Offerings mostly exist on the extremes of the spectrum (either too simple or too complex) and none quite hit the sweet spot. I built Tiny Metrics to fill that gap for me, and my hope is that it might do the same for you.

Not everything under the sun

Access what you need - not the bare minimum - without getting overwhelmed by complexity.

Happy hacking,